- ISO 26262 & IEC 61508的不足
- 系统无法先验
- 使用人工智能导致的困难
- Fail safe & fail operational
RAS Safety Standard
- Quality management system(ISO9001, IATF16949..) cover product quality, zero defect, zero DPPM
- Functional Safety (ISO26262) cover systematic fault and random fault
- SOTIF cover limitation of intended function
- ASPICE cover software process and capability
- Mobileye RSS (Responsibility-Sensitive Safety) provide model for safety
- NVIDA Safety Force Field protect against real-world traffic
- E-NCAP and C-NCAP for new car assessment
- Cybersecurity to cover system security hole
ASIL: Automotive Safety Integrity Level
- A. Bhat, S. Aoki and R. Rajkumar. Tools and Methodologies for Autonomous Driving Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE. 2018